How PowerSILO Works

PowerSILO(MUT) Core – Version 2.0 

PowerSILO(MUT) Modified Updraft Tower is the compact, high energy, heat agnostic variant of the 1st Versions of Solar Tower(ST) (Version 1.0) and Solar Updraft Tower(SUT) (Version 1.5) developed in the last century; which has been reinvented for the needs of this century as the SubTerranean Updraft Tower (STUT) (Version 2.0).  Heat Energy is harvested from either: a) Commercial, Industrial and Utility Scale Process Waste Heat; or b) Geothermal Hot Dry Rock and injected into the PowerSILO Inner Updraft Shaft.  PowerSILO Technology is patented and designed to efficiently harness low-grade heat and produces clean net-zero emissions power based on Combined Gas Law & Bernoulli Principle to generate sustained Venturi Effect airflow.  PowerSILO uses the first ever Vertical Axis Vertical Airflow Nozzled Turbine, The “VAVANT”, to extract highly efficient power from this reliable and controllable airflow  


PowerSILO(MUT) Supercharger – Version 3.0 : Coming Soon!

The PowerSILO(MUT) Supercharger is patent pending and is a PowerSILO(MUT) Core Unit directly connected to Low Level Compressor Stages; similar in function, but not in design or configuration of the low and high pressure compression elements of a TurboJet engine. PowerSILO(MUT) Supercharger does not use any fuel, chemical inputs, or combustion. The only inputs are thermal energy and ambient air. The increase or decrease in the volume and/or injection rates of thermal energy control of the PowerSILO(MUT) Supercharger’s performance.

PowerSILO(MUT) w/Bypass – Version 4.0 : Coming Soon! 

The PowerSILO(MUT) Bypass is patent pending and is a PowerSILO(MUT) Supercharger Unit directly connected to Low Level Bypass Fan Stages; similar in function, but not in design or configuration of the bypass turbofan elements of a Jet Turbofan engine. PowerSILO(MUT) Bypass does not use any fuel, chemical inputs, or combustion. The only inputs are thermal energy and ambient air. The increase or decrease in the volume and/or injection rates of thermal energy control of the PowerSILO(MUT) Bypass’s performance.